Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Craft Camp Projects Complete

Another week since my last post. I do think in my head that I want to post more regularly than just once a week but the days just seem to go too fast.

Well I am back safely from Craft Camp (which I can't believe was a week ago) and managed to complete all of the projects that I took with me except for the Size 1 pyjamas as the pattern that I was using started at size 2. I think that they turned out really well.

The pincushion was quite fun to make. I did however have a few issues with the pattern as it wasn't really clear as to which embroidery stitches to use or give any directions on how to do them. Fortunately I was sitting next to a wonderful lady who is a whizz with a needle and she clearly explained to me how to do the stitches I wasn't too sure about. I wasn't going to do the beading but I think it just finishes it off. I am now ready and looking forward to next months Pin cushion.

I finished another Pencil Roll but I ended up giving it to my 11 yo son to use in his Shoe Box of Love and to be given to Samaritans Purse for Operation Christmas Child. I will make another one for my nephew for his birthday. I am actually thinking of making him one of these as he is going to be a full time kindy boy next year and he might find this more useful.
I am so sorry that this post took so long to put up but I was having a few problems with blogger not loading my photos and realised that I had saved them in the wrong format (won't do that again!).

I am now in the process of putting together a few items for 'Dorcas Day' which is what we call our craft stall day at Friday craft group. It is being held next Friday morning and I am hoping to get a few things together for it this week. As we have to man our own stall I will have to try and juggle myself between my stall and the cafe, I may have to combine them. It is named after a woman in the bible who was known for her fine dressmaking skills. Her story is found here.

Well that is all for now. I am hoping to get a bit done this week and hopefully have something to post later on.

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